It's the end of March... the end of the first quarter of 2023. Already it's been a great year in terms of goals and stepping forward into my performing artist dreams.
Some highlights...
- Participated in Nachmo (National Choreography Month) in January.
- Created an entire choreographic work/dance film from scratch in 58 days.
- Was one of only eight choreographers accepted to show their work in the Nachmo Online Film Festival.
- Released my first-ever long-form dance work to the public.
- Was invited to audition for a speaking role in one of the largest and most recognisable productions in Canada.
- Passed an exam at work, resulting in me getting a new role with more responsibilities.
- Went to a tap dance festival (met Dianne Walker and Jessie Sawyers for the first time).
- Got my second-ever dance commission project.
- Got to improv live again.
I have gotten more opportunities and education in the past three months than I did in my entire $80,000 college degree. This makes me both sad (about the time and money I wasted) and hopeful (that I am capable of doing this myself no matter what anybody else says).
Now for the hard part... trying not to coast.
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