I'm really surprised how much I'm struggling with the novel this year. The setting, the genre, and the theme are all things I'm really passionate about, but I'm just lacking spark this year. I worked on the first, so I wasn't able to get the big head start that I usually do and that's come back to bite me in the butt. If I'm lucky, I'm closing one day ahead. I know most people would rejoice at even a one-day lead, but I've finished by this point multiple times in the past.
My plot feels slow. I didn't know what was going to happen when MMC got outside of the oxygen dome, but I wasn't too worried about it -- I figured my pantsing brain would just figure it out like it usually does. I've been here almost a week now and it just... hasn't. I spent three days with two characters in a circular theological argument that bored even me but multiplied the word count. I've even cited lengthy passages of Scripture (in said theological argument). I need to figure out what the next big plot point is, and I need to get my character there, emotionally. But I sit down to write and my brain just gives me static. I don't even feel despair about it, just apathy. There's just nothing in my brain, and it makes me sad. I had thought that doing little to no art for the better part of two years would have given my brain time to replenish its imaginative stores, but apparently this is not the case.
Anyway, I'd better get back to poking away at the story. Hopefully this blows over as Week Two wraps up and we head into Week Three.
Current word count: 26,340.
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