24 May 2013

Closer To Another Dream

*total fangirl squeal*


It's all very tentative... no dates yet (and the odds that they'll come to Canada at all -- never mind small boring farmer-filled Alberta -- are slim to none), but IT STILL COUNTS!

Now, I've kind of got to temper this a little bit... a few years back there was a reunion tour in the works and the whole thing got cancelled rather far into the process, but eventually one of these tour plans has got to work out.

This is killing me... the suspense, the waiting, the not knowing -- not knowing if it'll even actually happen, not knowing if they'll come to Canada, having to face the very real possibility of knowing my favourite band EVER is actually on tour and there's a very good chance I won't be able to see them...

Man... if only I didn't have to pay for dance classes and college... I could spend all summer saving up so I could roadtrip to the nearest concert. Even if it is in the States. (Crap. In that case I would need to get a passport too.)

The announcement said six dates... well, Nashville is pretty much a given, so you've got five. Even Toront -- I mean The Centre Of The Universe would be hard-pressed to get one out of five when it's got the entirety of the States to compete with.

This is why we need an album. But touring is a good sign -- I hope (desperately).

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